TalesOfChain Wiki

In this article, we are going to explain the composition behind cards’ abilities and stats, so that our potential players have a complete understanding of how to play cards in our game.


Card Types[]

A game card can be of three types: minion, spell and weapon.

On the minion card the player can find the special ability of the card and three main stats: mana, attack and health. On the spell and weapon card, it can be seen only the mana points and special ability of the card.

Mana is reflected on the top left corner in a blue diamond. Mana is the main source of magical powers in Tales of Chain world. Mana indicates how many mana points a player must have in their mana bar (displayed at the bottom right of the battlefield) in order to play a card and cast a spell. The game starts with one mana crystal, every other turn the mana increases by 1 mana point. The maximum number of mana crystals on the bar is 10. Cards are also limited to 10 mana points.

Attack is reflected on the lower-left corner in a dark grey circle. The attack shows how much damage the minion can deal to the enemy minion or character. When the minion attacks, its attack points also affect its health, reducing health points by attack points.

Health is reflected on the lower right corner in a red circle. Health shows how much damage the minion can take from the enemy attack. If the damage dealt is bigger than the number of health points, the minion will be destroyed.

Mana, attack and health are not permanent card points because they can be affected by other cards — spells and card abilities that can increase or decrease these points.

The main ability of the card is written in the middle of the card. Each class and card type has its own unique abilities. Therefore, it is suggested to familiarize with the descriptions of the cards before the player starts the battle or is going to construct a new deck.

Card Abilities[]

Warcry — an ability that activates a certain effect when a card is played directly from the hand.

Rush — an ability that allows a minion to attack on the same turn it is summoned or controlled by a player.

Revenge — is an ability whose indicated effect takes place when a minion or weapon is destroyed.

Vanguard —this is a minion ability that makes the opponent to attack this particular minion at first until it is destroyed.

Trap — is a spell card with a delayed, hidden effect that only takes place when a certain event happens.

Bloodrage — an ability where the specified effect comes into force when the minion takes his first damage.

Stealth — an ability that allows the minion to be unreachable by enemy attacks until they attack themselves.

E'thari shield — an ability that allows a minion to reduce the following enemy’s damage to 0.

Fury — an ability that allows a minion or a character to attack twice per one turn.

Stun — an ability that makes a minion immobilized (can’t attack) for one turn.

Poison — this is a minion ability that destroys any minion that takes damage from them.

Card Rarity[]

The rarity of the card is reflected in the triangle under the name of the card. Based on the triangle color, players can distinguish which rarity the card is: legendary — gold, epic — purple, rare — blue, uncommon — green, and common — grey.
